︎promotional material design
Bleu Danube presents:
In coproduction with Niusic Management
Director: Alejo Restrepo
Music (Viola): Isabel Villanueva
Romance Oubliée de Liszt
Suite pour alto de Hindemith
Suite pour alto seul de Max Reger
Edition: Fazeta Producciones
Color: El Colorado
Sound Design: Fran Salas
In a desert, a blond woman, a dog and a voice that declaims in Mandarin. Space-time is uncertain, the alternation between static and dynamic phases intersect with a car trip; A brunette woman quotes Sun-Tzu, evocation in the form of a homodegetic retrospective. Is love only possible without war?
Memory, inseparable from remembrance, takes us to the peaks of a stormy relationship, that of these two women whom everything seems to oppose, carried away by loving passion. The anachronistic eruption of a music anouncing modernity in classical music, reinforces the feeling of multiplicity that emerges from the different story forms. A 16mm respectful reappropriation of classic Far West cinema references, with a hint of tribute, magnified by the spellbinding lyricism of Isabel Villanueva's violin.
For this specific project I wasn’t involved on the picture’s graphic design, but I got to design the posts for social media that featured ISABEL VILLANUEVA on location and were part of the promotional campaign of the film.
Also I did this edit that shows the festivals that selected the film and was featured on Blue Danube’s social media.

The film on its entirertly is not available online yet, but you can get a glimpse on this musical video from Isabel Villanueba, the title design on this one was made by La Murga.

We also created this multi-posts that dig down into the project and try to shine a light on the experience that was shooting this film.